Students Build Inspiring Final Programming Projects

Aaron Case
The first semester of Foundations of Programming wrapped up on Wednesday with students presenting their final projects in the Holbrook Art Center library classroom.

Instructor Joe Raciti opened the room to anyone who wanted to test out the projects, which were written in Python and included interactive mysteries, choose your own adventure stories, an escape the woods game, and a program for predicting NFL score differentials.

Raciti said the projects showed his students were headed into next semester with a strong grasp of the material:

“You can see that there’s logic going on and sparks are starting to happen,” he explained. "So I was encouraged by them, overall."
One project in particular stood out—an interactive mystery that demonstrated a unique understanding of coding. Raciti noted that the project inspired his own work:
“Behind the screen the code was using functions in a really interesting way that actually changed how I think about functions,” he said. “It’s made me excited about planning a unit when we come back to help the whole class get a deeper understanding of how to use functions in a fun way.”

In addition to coding games, previous Foundations of Programming classes have worked on other exciting projects, such as programming mini drones. We’re excited to see what they cook up next!
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