Mr. Downs is very proud of Millbrook and would list the following among its most important characteristics:
The clarity and importance of our mission. One of our goals is to provide excellent preparation for college and our fundamental purpose is to ready our students for satisfying and successful lives. More specifically, we seek to instill curiosity, respect, integrity, stewardship of the natural world, and a commitment to serving others into each student.
The exceptional talents and commitment of our faculty. Our teachers have remarkable energy and ability and find nothing more gratifying than using their talents and experience to help students grow in healthy and substantial ways. They are an exceptionally qualified, enthusiastic, and impressive group.
The richness of our program. At Millbrook, students sacrifice neither choice nor opportunity as they benefit from the close individual attention and strong sense of community which characterize our school. In fact, it is the combination of that choice and our size that creates the school’s hallmark: Millbrook students are fully immersed in the life of their school. They are encouraged to explore their talents and interests and to contribute to the well-being of others.