Sarah Eagen '24
Cornell University
I loved being in a small community at Millbrook, and now Cornell is offering even more opportunities, especially in animal science. Many kids going into college don’t really know who they are and what they want to be. Millbrook students get a lot of time to think about where they want to go in life. We’re away from our families, but we have the support of so many other adults who make a big impact on our experiences. Those deep connections with my teachers, coaches, and dorm parents, were really important. Millbrook faculty and my friends were my family away from home. 
Sarah’s VIth form year really highlighted and brought out the best of her curiosity for knowledge. Her advanced classes have been conduits for her to pour all her energy into subjects. I have had the privilege of watching Sarah develop an upcoming podcast about lemurs for Advanced Biology, perform a study of the Trevor Zoo fox exhibit to learn about their nocturnal behavior for ISR, and create the most amazing paintings in Honors Drawing and Painting. Of course, her grades were wonderful, but the impressiveness of her transcript is in the breadth of areas she has excelled in. 
— Kyleen Depew