Kaitlin Bressette’s CES,
Girls Sports at Millbrook, explored the discrepancy between support for
boys and girls sports at Millbrook. A lifelong athlete, Kaitlin was on the varsity lacrosse team and the JV ice hockey team for all four years, JV soccer as a IIIrd and IVth former and varsity soccer in her Vth and VIth form years, serving as a captain in her final year. Kaitlin’s natural curiosity, always evident in the classroom and in her painting studio, informed her CES, which explored the root causes and ramifications of the perceived lack of support for girls sports.
Kaitlin sought to raise awareness about girls sports by making and sharing a video featuring alumni and current Millbrook athletes and coaches discussing their experiences playing and coaching girls sports at Millbrook. She also planned a girls sports day on campus to promote and raise awareness. Kaitlin’s personal connection to her CES made her project and presentation especially impactful.