Thi Phuong Thao “Pam” Nguyen '20

Georgetown University
I chose Georgetown mainly for its International Relations program at the School of Foreign Service. It is a very unique program that emphasizes language learning, which is a huge part of my life and self-identity. I also chose Georgetown for its location in DC, where I can meet and learn from people with diverse backgrounds and experiences—an important aspect of the social sciences. I think it is a critical time to be studying international politics and affairs, and I'm looking forward to seeing how social science courses adapt and change due to the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the lessons that will come from this pandemic is recognizing the need for greater multilateral cooperation, as opposed to nationalism and protectionism. Millbrook has taught me to be more independent and confident in my abilities and to dig deeper, as I did especially in my VIth form history electives. When I have told my professors and peers at Georgetown that I took Constitutional Law and Immigration & Migration in high school, they marvel at the level of specificity and relevance our history curriculum has compared to regular AP Government or AP US History courses. In these Millbrook classes, I developed a greater sense of inquiry and greater interest in international affairs.