My Millbrook
Current Parents

Family Events - Spring

Upcoming family events will be listed on this page. Details may be updated as we get closer to future events.
Please save the dates!

Spring Family Weekend
April 25-26
Spend the weekend learning with your child in classes and cheering on the sidelines during athletic matches. Hear from Head of School Jonathan Downs '98, celebrate special achievements in awards ceremonies, and catch up with your child's advisor too.

Commencement Weekend
Please see the Commencement Weekend page for more specific details as we can provide them. Head of School Jonathan Downs '98 will send detailed information to parents of VIth form students in early February. 

Saturday, May 24
Senior Class Gift Dedication, Senior Dinner, and Prize Night Ceremony

Sunday, May 25
Commencement Ceremony, Luncheon, VIth formers depart campus