Millbrook Students and Faculty Attend 2024 AZA Conference

As the only high school in the U.S. with a zoo—the AZA (Association of Zoos and Aquariums) accredited Trevor Zoo—Millbrook presents an array of unique opportunities for students to get involved with important conservation work. One such opportunity is a chance for students to attend the annual AZA Conference.

This year’s conference was held in Calgary, and Trevor Zoo student head curators Jamie Katis ‘25 and Milo Stephenson ’25 flew with Zoo Director Dr. Alan Tousignant, Director of Programs Jessica Bennett, and Director of Animal Care Kyleen Depew to Alberta, Canada, to participate.
@trevorzoomillbrook Our first day at the 2024 Association of Zoos and Aquariums Conference hosted by the wilder institute, including attending TAG (Taxon Advisory Groups) and SAFE (Saving Animals From Extinction) meetings for some of our favorite Trevor Zoo animals. @SAFERedPanda @Millbrook School #onlyhighschoolwithazoo #zoo #millbrookhighschool #studentkeeper #trevorzoo #aza #calgary #canada #azaconference #azaconference2024 #endangeredspecies ♬ Intro - Black Country, New Road
Our zoo crew attended conservation meetings held by AZA groups including SAFE (Saving Animals from Extinction), TAG (Taxon Advisory Group), and SSP (Species Survival Plan), which focused on endangered Trevor Zoo residents like our red panda and American Red Wolves. The conference also gave the Millbrook representatives the chance to attend workshops on topics such as zoo work culture and social media management.

According to Jamie, the highlight of the trip was a behind-the-scenes tour of the Calgary Zoo that took the group into the veterinary hospital and animal habitats. She also found value in a poster presentation session that took place during the conference.

“There were poster presentations one of the last days of the conference where professionals presented research projects that they’ve done, and as someone taking ISR (Independent Science Research), that was really interesting,” she noted. “I got to thinking about what I want to do, and that gave me a lot of inspiration.”

Attending the AZA Conference is an invaluable experience for students interested in working with animals or in the conservation field. Only at Millbrook can high schoolers get hands-on experience with endangered species and travel the world to network with zoo-industry leaders.
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