With finals fast approaching, Millbrook Students need a little stress relief. And that’s exactly what they got when they showed up to Friday Assembly today, in the form of adorable service dogs from Puppies Behind Bars.
Assisted by their handlers, several service dogs treated the Millbrook community to a few of their best tricks. The cute canines showed off their ability to go to bed, play peek-a-boo by standing between a handler’s legs, and fetch specific items on command. They even saluted the crowd and posed for pictures.
Handlers emphasized that while the tricks are entertaining, each command serves a specific purpose to assist or comfort the people the dogs serve. For example, a wheelchair-bound owner can ask their service dog to bring them items they otherwise wouldn’t be able to reach.
Puppies Behind Bars is a unique program that pairs canines with incarcerated individuals for training. The prisoners train the dogs to obey almost 70 commands. Once trained, the dogs work with wounded veterans or help first responders—often with university police departments—and some are even trained to sniff out explosives.
The visiting pups received plenty of pats and belly rubs from Millbrook students in return for their stress-relieving services. Parents who want to get in on the stress-relieving action can order gift baskets and baked goods to show some love from home.