<b>Thomas Lovejoy '59: <em>The Earth Is Crying Out for Help</em></b>
The Climate Conference in Copenhagen got underway as of Monday, December 7th, and during the two-week conference, delegates are expected to discuss a variety of issues including how countries can reduce their carbon emissions and to what extent "rich" nations can fund poorer nations in those reduction efforts. Today, prominent environmentalist, biodiversity scientist, and Millbrook alumnus Thomas Lovejoy '59 voiced his concerns about climate change and how it is being addressed worldwide in an Op-Ed piece published in the NY Times: The Earth Is Crying Out for Help.
In his opening paragraphs, Tom reminds readers that "the planet works as a biological as well as a physical system, [and that the] biophysical system (the biosphere and atmosphere together) is the key to understanding the urgency of climate change as well as crafting a truly meaningful response." He continues by discussing the many failures in our ecosystem that have begun to occur, some options for capturing or removing CO2 from our atmosphere, and the ultimate concern he feels needs to be addressed, that is "[how to] safeguard the living planet and the biological underpinnings of sustainability." As the Biodiversity Chair at the Heinz Center and the head of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel for the Global Environment Facility, Tom's opinion on the ecosystem and loss of biodiversity is highly respected. His appreciation for nature and wildlife began right here at Millbrook where he studied with Frank Trevor. Since graduating from Yale University with his PhD in Biology, Lovejoy has been dedicated to learning as much as possible about natural habitats, ecosystems, and biodiversity, and sharing that knowledge with others. Over the years he has been a member of many councils, research organizations, and even government administrations, allowing him to shine as a researcher and an educator:
Founder, public television series Nature
Environmental council member under the Reagan, Bush, and Clinton administrations
Excecutive Vice President of the World Wildlife Fund-U.S.
Assistant Secretary and Counselor to the Secretary at the Smithsonian Institute
Science Advisor to the Secretary of the Interior
Senior Advisor to the President of the United Nations Foundation
World Bank's Chief Biodiversity Advisor
Lead Specialist for Environment for Latin America and the Carribean
We thank Tom for being an inspiration to all of today's students at Millbrook who entertain questions about biodiversity either in the biology classroom or out in the campus wetlands.