Students and faculty pose on the steps of a Manhattan church.
Midnight Run Brings Warmth to Unhoused Neighbors
Aaron Case
Millbrook’s motto, Non Sibi Sed Cunctis (not for oneself but for all), isn’t just a catchy phrase that decorates our shield and adorns our school merch. It’s a way of life. Perhaps the best example of this is Midnight Run, a late-night trip to New York City during which dozens of students hand out food, clothing, and toiletries to the unhoused in Manhattan.
This past Friday night, 19 service-minded students piled into two buses for the 90-mile trek to the city. Spirits were high on the drive, as a mixture of Midnight Run veterans and first timers prepared to help out those in need at four stops around Manhattan. Midnight Run organizers advised the unhoused where to meet in advance, and they were waiting at each spot when the Millbrook busses pulled up.
At each stop, students efficiently unloaded the buses, setting out a line of clothing and toiletry boxes, and putting up a table filled with sandwiches, chili, and hot drinks. Students did an amazing job of running everything smoothly, and recipients were grateful for the warm clothing, hot meals, and friendly conversation. Laughter from both sides of the serving line was the highlight of the night, as the housed students and unhoused residents of New York City found common ground.
The team packed up to head home just before midnight—but not before they stopped for a well-earned meal at a city burger joint. A long drive back to Millbrook in the wee hours of the morning was uneventful, thanks to faculty drivers Michelle Blayney and Lucy Philipp.