At Millbrook, every day is Earth Day, but there’s only one Earth Week! Stewardship is the core value for the 2022-2023 school year, and on the heels of the first-ever Alumni Sustainability Summit, students were even more motivated to consider their place in the natural world.
Situated on 800 acres of the Hudson Valley’s greenest rolling hills, pristine wetlands, and cherished wild spaces, Millbrook students live and learn in a veritable dreamscape of natural beauty. Stewardship is a lived value in the classroom and through service. Leigh Schmitt, director of stewardship and sustainability, worked with the Environmental Council to put together a full week of engaging programs designed to strengthen connections to students’ places on the planet.
A drumming performance kicked things off during Monday assembly, followed by environmental trivia, deep dives at the zoo, and a workshop to create wildflower seed bombs. There were informational sessions on voting green, activism, and initiatives followed by the famous roadside cleanup. As some focused on on-campus cleanup and mulching, many Millbrook students donned safety vests and hardhats and fanned out to rid the roadsides of trash and manmade debris. A sunrise hike and a green-themed lunch rounded out the week.
Millbrook’s Earth Week reinforced the 2022-2023 core value of stewardship as VIth formers prepared for their next chapter and built momentum for returning students.