2024 Underform Awards

The Millbrook community gathered to honor Millbrook’s standout Vth form scholars and creatives at the Underform Awards Ceremony during Spring Family Day on April 20, 2024. College book prizes were awarded, followed by arts awards and the Founders’ Prize. The Founders’ Prize is the only prize voted upon by the entire faculty, and the winner undertakes a special program in leadership training over the summer before senior year.
Congratulations to all the awarded!
Founders’ Prize – Zoumana Traore
College Book Awards
Amherst College Book Award – Jennifer Chi
Smith College Book Award – Hannah Crystal
University of Rochester Honorary Science Award – Harper King
Aurelian Honors Society – Helen Li
The University of Rochester George Eastman Young Leaders Award - Haley Malmgren
Elmira College Key – George Mendoza
University of Rochester/Frederick Douglass & Susan B. Anthony Award in Humanities and Social Sciences - Chau Nguyen
University of Rochester/Xerox Award for Innovation and Information Technology – Evan Sun
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Medal in Math and Science - Howard Tu
Art Awards
Poetry Award – Isabel Stein
Ceramics Award – Jennifer Chi
Drawing and Painting Award – Lily Grant
Technical Theater Award – Licette Jaya
Vocal Music Award – Kelly Kwok
Dance Award – Chau Nguyen
Photography Award – Evan Sun
Instrumental Music - Nadav Hahn
Photos from the awards ceremony can be viewed on our online photo gallery, and video can be found on our YouTube channel. 
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