2024 Alumni Summit Celebrates Curiosity

The 2024 Alumni Summit gathered 23 distinguished Millbrook Alums for a day of engaging presentations on their lives since graduation. From Jed Diemond ’87 to Lars Heidenreich ’20, alums have thrived in academia, entrepreneurship, arts and entertainment, science and technology, and government. The diverse group of panelists were encouraged to craft presentations with this year’s core value of curiosity in mind.
After a stirring three-song performance by recording artist Anna Rose Menken ’03, students attended sessions selected according to their interests. The summit is a unique way for alumni to stay connected to Millbrook and give back to current students, who are undoubtedly inspired by what they learn in their sessions. The alumni presenters volunteer their time and often provide contact info for students who wish to connect beyond the summit.
The theme of curiosity was writ large in the keynote address, delivered by past Miller Brown Health Center director Larry Atlas. A true Renaissance man, Larry has indulged his curiosities at every turn. Describing his path from U.S. Army drill sergeant to successful actor, playwright and screenwriter, software developer, skydiver, educator, and health professional, Larry suggested the incredible possibilities for Millbrook students committed to curiosity.

Alumni Participants

Jed Diemond '87Deputy Director, Office of South Asia, U.S. Department of Commerce
Jim Eagen '88 Head of School, Synapse School
Shane Tilston '92Head of Production and Operations, Documentary, and Nonfiction, Story Syndicate
Antonia Giardina '95Supervisory Environmental Protection Specialist, U.S. Army Corp of Engineers
Anna Rose '03 Songwriter, Artist, Musician, Producer
Leland Smith '03 Lawyer & Economic Policy Advisor
Eliza Glaister '04 Chef & Owner, Little Egg
Nick Pandolfi '04General Manager, Jono Pandolfi Designs
Logan Sailer '05Principal Thermal/Fluids Engineer, Blue Origin
Jessie Smith '05Entrepreneur, self-employed
Jung Eun Kim '07 Clinical Psychologist, Pratt Institute & Private Practice
Emma (Thomas) Sabia '09Owner, The Bottle Shop at Astor Square
James Matson '10Assistant Curator, Fenimore Art Museum & The Farmers' Museum
Meredith Pratt '10Talent Manager & Founder, Krewe Co.
Chloe Gbai '12Creative Executive, Netflix
Royce Paris '12Multi-media Storyteller, Entrepreneur
Tondi Mushandu '14Product Manager, IQVIA
Sylvia Tan '15PhD Candidate in Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University
Olivia Galli '16Photographer & Content Creator
Noah Medalsy '16Medical Student, Nassau University Medical Center
Si Wei '17
Jon Conahan '18Writer, Sports Illustrated
Lars Heidenreich '20Undergraduate Student & Entrepreneur, Elon University

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