Reminiscences Galore Down School Road

Over three nights and two full days, Millbrook alums drove back down School Road to gather and reminisce, some for the first time in fifty years.
Regardless of years in between visits, friendships picked up right where they last left off. This was evident especially with the Class of 1974, which gathered on Thursday, June 6, at the Tamarack just down Rt.44 from School Road. The 50th Reunion Dinner brought together friends who see each other often and friends for whom seeing classmates happens over the span of many years. But the memories of shared experiences at Millbrook were fresh, and this dinner provided the perfect opportunity to share them.
Friday, June 7, the 50th reunioners were joined by those celebrating their 25th reunion. The day provided more opportunities for these very special reunion classes to roam campus on student-led tours, enjoy lunch with Head of School Jonathan Downs ’98, and then gather all together for a reunion dinner in Prum Hall that evening. The Class of 1974 also gathered in the living room of Pulling House that afternoon for their oral history, answering prompts and recalling stories from the Millbrook of 50+ years ago. It was an emotional 90 minutes that prompted a few joyful tears.
Saturday’s schedule offered more opportunities to celebrate as some Millbrook legends were honored. Mid-day a large contingency gathered in the Frederic C. Hamilton Math & Science Center for the dedication of the Neale Howard Telescope. An idea first suggested in 2008 by Dr. Alan Tousignant, the telescope restoration was jump-started by interest in alums from the early 1970s who wanted to honor their former science teacher. The project was shepherded and overseen by Millbrook’s Archivist Daniel Cohen ’86. Fundraising to make the restoration possible was lead by Henry Rust and the Class of 1971. The careful and meticulous work of Rhett Roback ’04 brought the telescope back to pristine condition, thanks in great part to research done by Daniel Cohen ’86 and the Millbrook Archives Community Service. Alan, Henry, Rhett, and others, including Bruce Howard '65, Neale's son, spoke to those who gathered. Mounted now on a solid platform in the entry hall where students pass by every day, the telescope serves as a reminder of the stellar history and bright future of Millbrook’s astronomy program.
Saturday afternoon also ushered in a full crowd to hear reminiscences from Bob Anthony ’65, who just completed 50 years of service to Millbrook. In a packed Pulling House living room, Bob recounted many entertaining tales of visits with alumni over his five decades as Millbrook’s primary fundraiser. In typical Bob Anthony fashion, he recounted humorous tales of his experiences with alums and a few tales that some alums have shared with him. Alums across generations joined former and current faculty and friends to hear Millbrook’s senior master relish in these recollections. It was a joyful afternoon.
All of this led to the traditional Alumni Parade and gathering for the State of the School Address in the Flagler Memorial Chapel. Just after class photos on the chapel steps, we held a special gathering in honor of former coach Mike Fuller. Coach Fuller was an inspiration to many student-athletes in his short time at Millbrook, and those who knew Mike well gathered with Gina and Zach Fuller by the turf field where a tree will be planted in his honor.

Dinner and dancing followed, and we’re already looking forward to Alumni Weekend 2025!
See photos from all the weekend’s events here.
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