The Climate Change Exhibit

One example of our commitment to environmental stewardship is the climate change exhibit, “The Heat’s On: Climate Change Impacts and Actions.” While the exhibit serves as an excellent educational tool for all students, it is particularly beneficial to our students that are involved at the Trevor Zoo since they are caring for animal species that are threatened by global climate change. The centerpiece of the exhibit is the iGlobe, a 30-inch diameter lighted globe that projects compelling climate change datasets from NASA and NOAA. 

While some of the information from the exhibit is available below, we strongly encourage you to visit our climate change exhibit in person. Please visit our Trevor Zoo page for hours of operation and contact information.

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  • Deforestation

    Tropical and temperate rainforests and other forest ecosystems are critical to the health of our planet. Forests produce oxygen, clean our air and water, prevent soil erosion, maintain precipitation patterns, lower temperatures, provide wildlife habitat, and stabilize our climate by absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere and storing it in plant tissue and forest soils.
    When forests are cut down, CO2 absorption ceases. When they are burned or degraded much of the carbon that was stored in the trees is released into the atmosphere. By stopping deforestation and restoring forests, we will help tackle climate change and protect vital forest habitats and wildlife.

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  • Extreme Weather

    Scientists predict extreme weather events will increase in the future. By the middle of the 21st century climate models predict that the climate in the western United States may be as dry as the seven-year long Dust Bowl drought of the 1930’s. But, in the future, the drought won’t last just seven years; it may be the new dorm. Climate change is also predicted to increase the frequency of severe storms at the same time that the sea level rise magnifies their impact on low-lying coastlines and islands.
    Extreme weather events do not have a single cause, rather various factors contribute, and human-induced climate change is now one of those factors. Given all these strong signals from a warming world, can we afford to let CO2 levels increase?

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  • Actions & Solutions

    An overwhelming majority of climate scientists agree that our climate is changing and that human activity is a significant driver of that change. We are destabilizing the climate through our release of excessive greenhouse gases into the atmosphere from fossil fuel use and deforestation. Climate change is already altering the face of our planet.
    So what can be done?
    To lower our carbon emissions and combat climate change, we need:
    • The cumulative impact of many individual and personal actions
    • The rapid deployment of innovative policies and incentives
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