Millbrook Hosts Environmental Summit

Under the direction of Director of Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Leigh Schmitt and students participating in SCAPE (Students Concerned About Planet Earth), Millbrook organized and hosted its first ever Environmental Summit on February 16.
“What was exciting about this event for me was how eager our students were to take the reigns in terms of preparing for and executing it,” says Mr. Schmitt.
Eight schools and organizations came together on Millbrook’s campus, including The Ashokan Center, Berkshire School, Canterbury School, Darrow School, Dutchess Day School, Indian Mountain School, Salisbury School, and Washington Montessori School, to discuss environmental issues and to learn from one another.
The event began at 9:00 a.m. with ice breakers and introductions, which were followed by a presentation from Science Department Chair Ava Goodale on her conservation work in Peru. The group then broke into breakout sessions to learn about student research, which was followed by tours of the Trevor Zoo. The group gathered just before noon to debrief and discuss next steps.

“One of the outcomes of our conversations was a commitment to continued information sharing and collaboration between schools and organizations,” says Drew Moriarity ’19 who helped organize the event. “I think this is important and I look forward to planning future interscholastic events and activities to help raise awareness about environmental issues.”
Mr. Schmitt is already planning for future opportunities for collaboration. “We have a common interest in sustainability and it’s important that we get together to learn from each other,” he says.