Highlight of Earth Week: Cleanup By The (Round) Numbers

Millbrook students and faculty gathered on Flager Quad to disseminate the plan of attack for clean-up day, and then they were off! Teams scoured the roadsides with large garbage bags in hand to pick up tons of discarded bottles, boxes, cans, fast-food bags, metal, and other rubbish from miles of road around Millbrook's campus. Some teams focused on the campus proper, cleaning garden beds, moving dirt, trimming branches and brambles, and removing scrap metal from an old observatory site. 

This annual cleanup day takes place during a weeklong schedule of activities that includes a sunrise hike, a special Night at the Zoo after hours, green-themed lunches, birding activities, and a Green Film Fest.

Cleanup Day 2024 generated impressive results, and Director of Stewardship & Sustainability Leigh Schmitt reported these statistics from the day:
Number of trash bags used: 45
Number of pairs of gloves: 90
Number of loppers: 8
Number of pruning shears: 6
Approximate length of Millbrook’s Route 44 cleanup zone: 2 miles
Number of safety vests: 30
Number of children’s motorized Pontiacs recovered:1
Weight of trash collected: 350 lbs.
Number of stray lacrosse balls collected: 32
Number of stray baseballs collected: 16
Number of stray softballs collected: 6
Weight of scrap metal removed from the observatory: 75 lbs. 
Number of chainsaw-wielding math teachers: 1

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