1931 Society

The 1931 Society was established in memory of Millbrook School’s founders and the year of its founding; it honors those who have already made planned gift provisions for the school. We look to the future and the many opportunities for members of the Millbrook family to join the 1931 Society and help build the school’s endowment through tax-deductible gift arrangements.

Ways to Give

List of 4 items.

  • Bequest

    The simplest and most traditional way is through a bequest under your will, either as a specific sum, a specific percentage of your estate, or the rest and remainder of your estate after debts, taxes, expenses, and specific bequests to your heirs.
    In addition, there are a number of instruments you could utilize to benefit you and your family, as well as Millbrook School. With many of these vehicles, you can have the fun and satisfaction of seeing your gift go to work for you and for Millbrook within a very short time.
  • Charitable Remainder Trust

    You might consider a charitable remainder trust with Millbrook as the beneficiary. A charitable remainder trust is created when you irrevocably transfer cash, securities, or other property to a trustee, who may be yourself, the school, a bank, or another individual. This trust provides you with income during your lifetime. Upon termination of the trust, the principal would pass on to Millbrook.
  • Charitable Lead Trust

    A charitable lead trust might be the appropriate vehicle for you. A charitable lead trust provides for the payment of income to Millbrook and /or charitable beneficiaries selected by you for a period of years. Upon the expiration of the trust, the remainder reverts to you or to members of your family, as you choose.
  • Other Planned Giving Options

    You might also consider naming Millbrook a beneficiary of the remainder of a pension fund or an IRA; transferring ownership of a life insurance policy to Millbrook; or donating art, a home, or other property to the school.
    Please view the many options and their various benefits in our Legacy Planner.
You can review our Legacy Planner by clicking on the image below. If you would like to discuss or have questions about these opportunities, please contact Robert Anthony ’65 in the Advancement & Alumni Relations Office at 845-677-6752 or ranthony@millbrook.org. 


James W. Laird ’65 was taught by his father early on about the importance of giving back to those institutions and people who make a difference in one’s life.

In today’s world we often refer to a legacy bequest as “paying it forward.” When Jim sadly died in April 2020 at his home in Florida, we learned that he left a gift of $5 million to help endow Millbrook’s Financial Aid Program. As a result, future families and generations of students will be the fortunate recipients of his generosity.

List of 1 items.

  • Current Members

    Mr. Stephen C. Allen '67
    Mr. Alan H. Anderson, Jr. '60
    Mr. Robert W. Anthony ’65 
    Mr. Dudley R. Bahlman ’71 
    Mr. Peter C. Blenk '64
    Mr. Charles H. Boynton ’57 
    Mrs. Jean Bray
    Mr. David J. Callard 
    Cpt. James M. Cannon IV, USN ’71 
    Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Cart 
    Mark Cartland '81
    Mr. Geoffrey R. Chester ’71 
    Mr. Mario Chiappetti '74
    Mr. Daniel S. Cohen ’86 
    Mr. Farnham F. Collins '53
    Mr. George N. Cowen, Jr. ’65 
    Mr. Thomas S. Cox ’62 
    Mr. David Crimmins '74
    Mr. William L. Crossman ’74  
    Mr. George W. Cutting III ’77
    Mr. B. William Dudley ’58 
    Mr. Peter S. Duncan ’69 
    Mr. Andrew W. Elder ’93 
    Mr. Theodore R. Elliot '62
    Mr. Lawrence Eppenbach '60
    Dr. David W. Fentress, Jr. ’66 
    Mr. John V. Frank ’56 
    Mrs. E. Stack Gately 
    Mr. John S. Gordon ’62 
    Mr. Everest D. Haight, Jr. ’54 
    Mr. L. Gordon Hamersley, III '69
    Dr. David Hayes ’44 
    Mr. Francis Hopkinson, Jr. '61
    Mr. Bruce B. Huber ’47 
    Dr. Peter E. Jackson ’58  
    Mrs. Eilene R. Kondysar '81
    Mr. Anthony R. Lantz ’70 
    Mr. Stuart S. Lovejoy ’73 
    Mr. Frederick K. Lowell ’67 
    Mr. Watson Lowery, Jr. ’65 
    Mr. Nelson Mead, Jr. '74
    Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Merin 
    Mr. D. Fell Merwin ’78 
    Mr. David R. Miller '71
    Mr. Peter G. Miller ’55 
    Mr. Burnham Moffat ’44
    Mr. Peter Morrison '63  
    Mr. Burton T. Mowbray '72 
    Mr. Nelson Nazario, Jr. '66
    Mr. Sherman Peale ’52 
    Mr. William H. Peck III ’64 
    Ms. Hannah T. Petri ’97 
    Mr. Frank W. Pine '60
    Mr. Sumner Pingree III ’71 
    Mr. Alexander Podmaniczky ’72 
    Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Pulling 
    Mr. Thomas A. Reed ’60 
    Ms. Kristyn Reid '74
    Mr. John Field Reichardt ’67 
    Mr. Steven D. Riggs ’64 
    Mr. Edward J. Scarvalone '74
    Mr. Gilbert P. Schafer III ’80 
    Mr. Paul M. Solomon ’61 
    Mr. Thomas J. Sorrentino ’69 
    Mr. Andrew R. Supplee ’57 
    Mr. Michael Thompson '65
    Mr. Zachary Treadwell '93 and and Mrs. Langka Domberger-Treadwell '90
    Mr. C. Dana White ’60 
    Mr. Harold T. White III ’66 
    Mr. Michael P. Winn '52
    Mr. William A. Woodcock '60

List of 1 items.

  • Transformational Bequests

    Mr. William B. Allan ’55 
    Dr. David Babbott ’45 
    Mr. Dell Battler '56
    Mr. Jesse M. Bontecou ’44 
    Mrs. Lucy Cutting
    Dr. Richard W. Darrell M.D. '51  
    Mr. Henry F. Harris 
    Mr. James F. Hejduk 
    Mr. David D. Holbrook ’56 
    Mr. Peter M. Holbrook '65
    Mr. Michael W. Huber ’45 
    Mr. Donald M. Kerr ’64 
    Mr. Stuart F. Kirkpatrick ’69 
    Mr. Day Lee ’40 
    Dr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Lindley, Jr. ’51 
    Dr. Thomas E. Lovejoy '59 
    Mr. John G. MacKenzie ’46 
    Mr. Bradford Mills ’44 
    Mr. Griffin W. Okie ’62 
    Mr. E. Norman Peterson, Jr. ’49 
    Dr. Lacey B. Smith ’40 
    Mr. Michael M. Smith ’53 
    Mr. Theodore S. Smith, Jr. ’55 
    Mr. Robert Stanton 
    Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Stehle
    Mr. Webster B. Todd, Jr. ’56 
    Mr. John A. Woodcock ’57